What is The Food Shop
The Food Shop is about food waste and draws surplus stock from a variety of organisations to reduce the amount of food waste that we generate as a population
The Food Shop runs as a membership scheme, costing £5 per household for each 6 month period.
The Food Shop is a food waste project and is open to everyone in our local community.
Members are able to visit The Food Shop weekly to purchase a range of items which will then be priced at the till. It is expected that a basket of shopping will cost around £5 but be worth at least £40.
Our opening hours are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 10am to 3pm. Our delivery arrives on Wednesdays.
If you would like to become a member you can sign up by popping into The Food Shop at The Stable, 3-6 Wadham Street, Weston-super-Mare BS23 1JY.
The Food Shop has been developed by The Stable and Weston Town Council and is part of the Weston Food Club Network.
#LoveWhatYouCanDo #TheStableFoodShop #WestonFoodClub